Yesterday, the children of Al-Sondos Foundation celebrated orphans day in the police Academy in the presence of Major General Ahmed El Omari the Assistant Minister of the interior, the head of the police academy, and the Brigadier General Dr Ahmed Youssef the assistant senior instructor for the advisory bodies sector in the police academy. In addition to, the Major General Hisham Yahya the head of the police faculty, the lieutenant colonel Tarek El Shami the chief of the human relation department, the colonel Ahmed Amen the chief of the public and human relation department, the lieutenant colonel Mahmoud Rafaat the chief of the public relation department and captain Samar El Refaay and MR. Abo El Magd from the public relation department. Also, we are honored to have Al Sheikh Osama El Azhari the president’s religious adviser. The children were also welcomed by the officers and the students of the Academy. The children were given candy and juices. The children attended some military shows and enjoyed the music, the magician and the puppet shows. It is also worth to mention that presence of the actor Ahmed Bader and some public figures in order to spend this important day with the children. The Assistant Minister of the interior has honored our precious son Ali Ibrahim one of Al-Sondos children for winning three Gold medals at the regional Olympic Games in Dubai. At the end of the ceremony the children had lunch and then headed back to the orphanage.

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