The seminar held via the full co/operation of Eastern administration of Nasser city, Eastern district of Nasser city, the general union of workers in special needs field, Mr. Khiry Shahata, the director of social solidarity of Nasser city, Dr. Jhan Mohamed Fowad, representing the office of “ major general Hamdy Bekhat, Parliamentarian representative in Nasser city, Dr. Sida Abou El/Sowd, the former general director of qualifying social administration, Adel Abd El/Qudar Diab, the representative of regional union of national association, Salwa El/Shahaat, the director of qualifying department of Eastern Nasser city administration, Nadia Abd El/Ghani, the director of qualifying administration, Brigadier Manar Mukhtar, the director of human rights sector of the interior ministry, and Prof/Doc. Kamal Abrhim Abd El/Fatah, vice dean of education faculty at sixth city university, lecturer of Nasser military academy. It is the worth mentioning, the main lecture of the seminar was Egypt is a perfect mixer of nationalities and the tomb of conquerors. In this spirit, all the participants took part enthusiastically in the seminar itself, encouraging themselves towards social and positive participations in the elections. Participation in the elections is a national duty as a perfect Egyptian picture all over the world. In fact, they were met via Dr. Amal Abd El/Rahman Salah, the chairman of trusty’s board; Sondos’ children sang perfectly many memorable national songs. On this hypothesis, there were many young men, volunteers; Sondos’ workers attended it attentively.
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