Today, the “Hand in Hand for the Service of Our Country” celebratory event was held by El-Sondos Foundation for Orphaned Children with Special Needs. The event was sponsored by Major General Khaled Abdel Aal, the Governor of Cairo, and attended by Dr. Ahmed Abdelrahman, the Ministry’s Deputy and Director of the Social Solidarity Directorate in Cairo, Ms. Mona Shahnah, the Director of East Madinat Nasr Social Solidarity Administration, Dr. Amal Abdulrahman Saleh, the Chairperson of El-Sondos Foundation’s Board of Trustees, as well as a group of officials from the Ministry of Social Solidarity and civil society organizations, children with disabilities, and children from El-Sondos Foundation.

The success celebration began with a Republican peace greeting and a recitation from the Holy Quran. Dr. Amal Abdul Rahman Saleh, Chairperson of El-Sondos Foundation’s Board of Trustees, delivered an impactful speech expressing gratitude to the political leadership, individuals involved in caring for children with special needs and orphans, and those in social affairs. Special recognition was given to Dr. Ahmed Abdul Rahman for his significant contributions and active involvement with various associations, institutions, and to Ms. Mona Shihna for her exceptional dedication. Dr. Saleh also praised the participation of El-Sondos children in the celebration at the Police Union Club. The ceremony concluded with the honoring of Major General Hamza Abbas, Assistant Minister of Interior for Social Care, for his unwavering commitment to the well-being of the children, and Ms. Radwa Bakri for her outstanding contributions.

Dr. Amal Saleh emphasized that El-Sondos Foundation has been serving the community for 20 years, with four branches and a school. The foundation boasts a team of highly specialized professionals dedicated to working with individuals with special needs. Dr. Saleh highlighted the successful integration of children into society and the positive impact achieved through comprehensive care. Currently, the foundation supports approximately 230 children and provides free services to families facing social difficulties across the country.

El-Sondos Foundation is committed to providing care and support to children at all educational stages, including rehabilitation services for severely disabled children through the provision of independent care apartments. Their primary objective is to enhance the children’s life skills and facilitate their integration into society.

El-Sondos Foundation takes pride in the successful integration of children into society, enabling them to form stable families. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Rahman, Deputy Minister of Social Solidarity in Cairo, delivered a concluding speech, praising the celebration and inspiring the children. He expressed gratitude to the trainers, acknowledged the remarkable performance of El-Sondos at the Police Union Club celebration, and emphasized the importance of integrating children with special needs into society while providing them with the necessary support and care.

The success celebration highlighted El-Sondos Foundation’s efforts in providing comprehensive care for children with special needs and empowering them to thrive in society. The event recognized outstanding individuals and teams who have contributed to the success of the foundation’s mission.

El-Sondos Foundation continues to create a nurturing environment encompassing education, healthcare, and comprehensive rehabilitation, aiming to empower children with special needs and enable their active participation in society. Such events shed light on the remarkable work carried out by institutions and associations, promoting awareness and understanding within the community. They also express gratitude and appreciation to individuals and entities dedicated to improving the lives of children with special needs and providing them with essential support.

Advancing the rights and opportunities for children with special needs remains crucial. Through the collective efforts of institutions, governments, and communities, we can continue making progress and positive changes in the lives of these children.

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