The general Atif Abd El/Hameed, Cairo governor, the ceremony “Be like Adam” initiation in the attendance of general Ahmed Timower, vice governor, and the engineer Mostafa Abd El/Azeez, the president of Eastern district of Nasser city, Mr. Khary Shata, the director of social solidarity, Hamdy Bekheet, Parliamentarian  representative, general Tamer El/Shahwy, Parliamentarian representative of Nasser city, Mr. Ahmed Ameen, the secretary of the district president, Dr. Amal Abd El/Rahman, chairman of trusties board of Sondos foundation, and many foundations of civilian works. In this regard, General Atif Abd El/Hameed affirmed evidentially upon the participation importance of civilian society foundations for exerting efforts in order to achieve urban civilization. When I thought to release a campaign of be like Adam, I chose children to deliver specific positive messages about the importance of participation and Nostalgia, emphasizing on the love of Homelands and ownership. In this way, all roads are ours. All roads should be cared similarly like peoples’ houses by the way, referring that roads are general ownership.


In Cairo, 1923, it was the cleanest city worldwide because it is the root of civilization. In this regard, it is the second country knowing the railways after London. It is the first city which knew cars in Africa and the Arab orient. From that point, the initiation comes for going backwards to the beautiful Egypt. It is worth mentioning, the campaign is too difficult as we change negative behaviors to bad ones. This initiation began from Abdeen until all the districts of Cairo depending basically upon schools, youth centers, among others to carry this mission out perfectly. There are more than five thousand schools in Cairo, having more than two million students from whom perfect considerable messages can be delivered for resuming the perfect Hygiene of Cairo again.

The engineer Mostafa Abd El/Azeez Ziat, the president of Eastern district,   indicated seriously to the role of the initiation which is to raise the awareness of the Hygiene importance. Furthermore, he indicated that the fourth district is divided into eight squares for hard working. In fact, all playlists and El/Manhal marketing were removed forever, replaced with perfect natural scenes. In this spirit, this place is rounded via five schools which felt full rest. In fact, there are five main accesses which had   been renewed such as Abas El/Aquad, Hassan El/Mamown, and Hassan El/Sharif, among others.  It is  the worth mentioning, there are many garbage’s, removed from the region of Oasis within the full cooperation with the company of inhabitance in Nasser city. On  this hypothesis, the general Hamdy Bikheet emphasized willingly upon this initiation gives perfect behaviors should be followed blindly for perfect hard work. In this way, he referred that initiation teaching children how to have nostalgia and belonging to homelands. Expanding on this slightly, there are many initiations will be released concerning   prosperities, children, and women as well. It is the worth mentioning, Egypt is the root of all civilizations and cultures. In a short nutshell, Egyptians should clarify their picture apparently for living in a perfect homeland in which each one knows his or her rights and obligations. Sondos’ children participated with perfect national songs and the Young men of the first settlement, under the supervision of Osama Ali participated also. Towards the end of the ceremony, the the engineer Mostafa Abd El/Azeez, the president of the Eastern district of Nasser city,  rewarded Sondos foundation represented in  DR. Amal Abd El/Rahman Salah,  El/Misbah El/Modia foundation,  Qabs Min Nowr association, Zman El/Khir association, El/Klowb El/Raqika association, and  Asdqaa El/Khir association. Furthermore, the engineer Morad Nasr, the director of general relations in city stars hotel rewarded all the Engineers of the Eastern district of   Nasser city.

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