Sends foundation is interested in caring its children in all fields, including importantly the functional and natural therapy under the supervision of doctors and specialist advisors. It is the worth mentioning, the specialists involve physiotherapist for treating motor dysfunctions of the disable children. In order to treat them successfully in natural manners and to develop the big mortal talents. In this sense, their attention can be concentrated deeply in two senses comprising mortal and visual ones. Additionally, al the mortal senses can be developed quickly as soon as possible.

Sends aims at developing the senses of children motion through introducing perfect form for developing and qualifying the psychological and movable sides for being an active member in the society of therapy which is one of qualifiers aiming at the full development of children in all the essentials of motion. The specialist of therapy evaluates the level of development, balance, the strength of the nerves system. Depending on what is aforementioned, the medical trainings are determined needed by the children in each phase and the needed devices for those children themselves. In this sense, both of them help further in adopting all disabilities, giving them motional and sensuous experiences. As the result, structuring and developing of tithe motion comes very willingly for reaching the normal level of motion. Through the daily studied training. Moreover, Therapy helps much more in learning the best ways for natural motion and physical balance. In this way, children will know very well how to stand and walk naturally. Expanding on this slightly, children can use many dependable means such as macaws, walker, or chairs. In addition, the hands of children are trained very well to be used in the foods and drinks and all natural practices. Sends provides the follows:

Cessions of therapy.
Cessions of developing skills.

speech cessions.
The difficult learning cessions.

Behavior’s moderation cessions.  Functional treatment cessions. psychological measurements.

intelligence tests.

Training of mussel’s strength.
the training on joints motion.

free trainings or using weights, if there is availability.
training on daily functions of life, if there is a shortage in them.

The full dependence on aiding devices for bettering the functions of life as much as possible.
There are many specialists, in sends, work in the hearing weakness, deaf, language delay, loneliness, many difficulties in speaking, the cerebral palsy, muscle atrophy, Hydrocephaly, Microcephaly, Spina, Bifida,

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